Protect your plants when moving

2 minute(s) read Categories Flowers Indoor gardening

Protect your plants when moving

Moving plants is a delicate operation that needs to be planned to avoid any negative impacts. It's important to remember that plants are living beings and that they can suffer from stress when they change environments.

Here are a few tips to make sure your plants have a safe trip to their new home: 

  • Water your plants one last time, 3 to 4 days before moving day. 
  • Repot your plants in plastic pots. This way, fragile pots wont' break during transport.
  • Prune your plants: remove the leaves and branches that could be damaged during transport. Remove wilted parts as well.
  • On moving day, insulate your plants by covering them with newspaper. Use moist paper in the summer, and dry paper in the winter.
  • Place your plants in boxes and indicate that content is fragile.
  • Make aeration holes on the sides.  
  • As soon as you get to your new home, let your plants breathe. As they were deprived from light and sun during transport, they need to be taken out as quickly as possible. 
  • If they have spent several days in the dark, they will need time to acclimatize before being exposed to sunlight. 
  • Fertilize them after you've moved in. 
  • Monitor how they react to their new environment to detect any signs of uneasiness.