Tips to properly arrange houseplants

2 minute(s) read Categories Flowers Indoor gardening


We are always amazed by the arrangements of interior designers on social media, in which the plants are arranged to perfection. However, when you look closely, you quickly realize that it is home staging and that the needs of the plants aren’t taken into account. 

Here are our best tips to decorate with your plants in a realistic and durable way!

Each plant in its place


A superb cactus soaking up humidity in the bathroom? 😰 A lush fern leaning against the radiator? 😨 A glowing succulent in a stairwell without light? 😱 Trying to reproduce the breathtaking decors you see on Instagram and Pinterest at home could lead to a disaster. ☠️

Success with indoor plants requires good control of light. While most like bright rooms, ☀️ many do not tolerate direct exposure 🌥️. Others prefer low-light conditions ☁️.

What light for my plants?

promix-comment-disposer-plantes-interieur-03When their needs aren’t satisfied, your plants let you know. Their leaves are paler and smaller, discoloured, brown or dry spots appear, the plant weakens and withers. Best to find another place.

It is sometimes necessary to do a few tests before finding the ideal spot.


​​​​You should also know that the conditions in a room will change with the seasons. The perfect place for your philodendron in winter may no longer be suitable in summer. If in doubt, move your plant and see if it does better.    

PRO TIP: Unless you’re ready to invest in a grow lamp, it is better to identify a plant’s needs before buying it to ensure it will survive where you’re planning to place it. 

What humidity level for my plants?

As a rule of thumb, tropical plants need a humidity level of at least 60%, while succulents will be happy with a humidity level between 30 and 45%. Of course, this depends on the variety. 

Here are a few tips for plants that have high humidity requirements:

  • Place your plants in the kitchen or bathroom as the humidity level is often higher there.
  • Group plants together; as they naturally release humidity, they will be mutually beneficial. 
  • Buy a humidifier.
  • Use an essential oil diffuser and simply replace the oil with water! 

10 Decorating tips to showcase your houseplants

The days of plants sitting quietly in their conventional pots in a corner are over! Let them spread across the room, on the walls and ceilings, and use original objects as cachepots. 
Here are our best tips to pep up your indoor garden.

1. Arrange your plants on various levels


A harmonious arrangement fills the room from top to bottom. On the floor, hanging, placed on a shelf or fixed to a wall, plants take all rooms by storm!  

  • Decorate all of the furniture: stools, shelving units, drawer chests, nightstands, TV stands…
  • On a vintage stepladder, each step can be used to showcase a plant as they do in trendy boutiques. 
  • For a refreshing look, hang moisture-loving plants in the bathroom: above the bathtub, as a curtain in front of the window, on the vanity or on a shelf. Try woven baskets as cachepots!
  • Rope planters are making a comeback in modern, refined or elegantly braided versions. In large numbers in front of a window, they give any room a whole new look.
  • We love illuminated display cases which seem to recreate life in a terrarium and make it easy to place plants on top of each other.
  • For cuttings, wall propagation tubes are both useful and decorative! 

PRO TIP: Plants are perfect to fill in corners. Hang them near windows, where they will enjoy good light. Place them at eye level, not too close nor too far from the ceiling. 

2. Spotlight on mini or oversized plants 


On Instagram, delicate string of pearls share the scene with gigantic monsteras. Don’t be afraid to be daring and original!

Showcase your cuttings as well! These little details are a great and simple addition to any decor!

3. Create a green wall indoors


Take inspiration from the green walls of the most beautiful terraces by fixing the pots to your indoor walls. To avoid the wallpaper effect and enjoy a beautiful graphic result, don’t use more than two to three varieties of plants presented in identical pots.

WE LOVE: Pots on trendy mid-century metal supports, and the modern style of diamond-shaped pots! 

4. Cascade design  


Traditionally, most people hang trailing plants, but they can also be placed on a shelf or in a bookcase, where they cascade freely. By adding plants and playing with the different levels, this living composition admirably conceals a dull, inert structure.

5. Containers have their importance too!


Opt for original or handmade cachepots and inspired suspensions. When presented in an unconventional way, even an ordinary plant will look like a work of art.

  • A cachepot with a support will uplift your plants in the blink of an eye!
  • Create a terrarium. Its much higher humidity level will be appreciated by several plants.
  • Give a second life to an object that you no longer use. A lantern, a teapot, a wooden box, an old cup, a vintage watering can or a beach bag are all containers that can enhance the theme or unique character of a room. 

6. Imagine each plant as a decorating item


On a shelf or a piece of furniture, plants stand alongside carefully chosen personalized objects: ornaments, books, pictures, souvenirs… Be bold and creative!

TIP: Choose quality horticultural tools and accessories, without sacrificing the look. A retro glass mister, a stylish humidifier, a wooden diffuser, a vintage watering can... No need to store them, they are part of the decor!

7. Match materials and patterns

Jute, paper, leather, wood, cork… Floral patterns, jungle atmosphere, geometrical explosion… Play with colours, textures, shapes and sizes!

8. Forget about alignment, focus on grouping!


Group plants together in odd numbers, including the larger ones. Vary the positions of the pots to add rhythm and movement. To break the monotony without taking up space, 3 is the magic number.  

9. Harmony in difference


There’s no need to match plants together. In itself, the group will be harmonious and tidy. 

For a vibrant look in a room with a refined style, opt for foliage in contrasting tones. For a more conservative look, in a traditional, country or rustic style room, opt for discreet contrasts and soft shades.

PRO TIP: Green arrangements steal the show. We particularly like those that offer well-defined and original graphic shapes such as cactus and succulent arrangements. However, remember that to coexist in the same pot, the plants must have the same soil, water and light needs.

10. Plant-themed decorating items  

We love plant-themed decorating items that create a jungle atmosphere, and those that bring a shabby chic touch to the room…

Inspiring ideas…

  • Vintage floral tableware
  • Plant posters, illustrations and paintings
  • Floral wallpaper
  • Collections of floral vases and containers
  • Eucalyptus branches and pampas grasses in large pots